1. I'm grateful for a loving and helpful husband. Seriously, he's been so great. He works all day, then has school and his second job, and yet will still help me with Kari or getting things cleaned up. I love him for being so considerate of me and my current form. Never thought I'd have to have him tie my shoes, but I love him for doing it. :D And I love that he still thinks I'm beautiful, even when I look like I swallowed a basketball.
2. I'm grateful for Karielle. Dispite being sick and miserable for over a month, she still likes to make momma laugh. She's usually very cheerful and she's still learning and growing super fast! I find myself suprised at how quickly she picks up on things. She's a true blessing in my life.
3. I'm grateful for Brianna and the friends I have up here who have been so open and genuine about offering help and advice. Thanks guys, I really, really appreciate everything.
4. My mom. I know I'm being selfishly ecstatic about you spending WAY too much money to come be with me, but seriously, I'm so grateful. I have no idea how I'll get through this without your help. THANK YOU so much. And I can't wait to see you. (and the even MORE selfish part of me is super happy that you'll be here for my birthday. Yay 23! lol!)
Dear mother nature,
Please get warmer so that my baby doesn't freeze and we don't slide around on the road on the way to the hospital. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
As always guys, some cute pictures. Kari being adorable, and me on my due date (I thought it was such a novalty lol!)
I'll let you all know when something exciting happens. But for now, my next appointment is on Tuesday, we'll see how it goes. Love you all!!!