Sunday, August 21, 2011

Getting there..

Okay, so Tyler was planning on taking a flight down to Sacramento, then grab a flight from there to Pasco, so we were planning on only Tyler going. Then Sunday, the day before he's leaving, we call the PAX terminal again and there's a flight going to McChord. That is about 4 hours away from our families. We'd have to be at the airport 12 hours from when we found out about the flight. So we spend about 6 of it debating on whether the kids and I should go to. There were many factors, our final inspection being the biggest one, Kari's ear infection was another, plus the fact that she will only sleep in HER bed. Anyway, a dear angel of a friend said she'd do the inspection for us with a power of attorney (sometimes it's REALLY helpful to have a paralegal for a husband). So we decide to go for it. We were thinking that it's such a good opportunity, we'd be an idiot not to go home. I felt like God was kicking me in the pants, "Hey Alexis! Wake up! You need to go!" And so we frantically packed, then cleaned up the dirty dishes, took out the garbage, ect. We didn't get to bed until after 11. Then we had to wake up at 3 to shower, load the car, pack the carry on stuff. We woke the kids up at 4, changed diapers but kept them in jammies then headed off to the airport. Waited around, they took us to the plane at about 7:30, then there was a delay so we ended up taking off at 9:30. We get to McChord at about 1 and Tyler's parents are there to get us and take us to the Tri-Cities. We got into town about 8 something.
Slept most of the way to McChord
Same with Kari
One of the Jets in our company. We were on the refueler and we had 4 jets with us.
One of the jets refueling mid air. Seriously, I think this was one of the most incredible things I have ever seen in my life.
The two waiting for their turn
The one that already refueled.
Day after getting there we hung out with Tasha and family. The girls hit it off.
We went to Chuck E Cheese. Lots of fun for the girls.

lol! Love the glare girlie

Saturday, August 20, 2011

We're Alive!!

Okay, so we went home for a bit. Remind me NEVER to fly space A military again. NIGHTMARE. I'll tell you all the story in a bit, I'm actually in the middle of trying to unpack my new house (Yeah, what sucks worse that getting home from vacation and having to unpack not only your suitcases, but your entire house?) but I wanted to tell you all that I'm alive and well and only slightly more crazy than I already was. I'm going through a ton of pictures and so on. Be prepared my friends for many posts. :D

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The fair and some other cute pictures.

Hey all! So despite Kari's ear infection, we decided to go to the fair anyway. Unfortunately the fair doesn't open until noon so by the time we got home (at 4) it was WAAAAAY past naptime and they were both super grumpy BUT we had fun anyway.

Kari petting the bunnies
Jill petting a goat
Kari's turn

Another goat

"Wait, come back!"
They didn't like the pigs so much.
They both LOVED the horses
Kari's first pony ride
She loved it
Jillian's first pony ride. (Her horse was bigger, I'm not THAT much shorter than Tyler)

Kari wanted to pet the ducks, but they kept running away.

That little pony wasn't very interested in anything other than food.
Kari's first ride all by herself. She was perfectly fine and happy, until the fair guy came and checked her seatbelt. She then screamed for the whole rest of the wait and ride. Annoying!
Jill taking a cat nap
The Japanese Dragon boat
I love her face here
yuck, the spinning apples. *puke*
The big slide, which Kari insisted on going down twice
The little train. We weren't allowed to go with them, but when Jill was with Kari, they were both fine. Ah loving sisters.
Our current favorite Elder keeping Jill happy. :D
Jill's new favorite spot
Trying to get down.
I have so much cupboard space I don't know what to do with it all!
Daddy and Kari being cute.
How I found Jill a few mornings ago.
Priceless. Maybe the bumper needs to go back up? :P