Well, most of you have already heard, but I figured I'd put it on here to make it "official", we are pregnant (or I am anyway since I'm the one with the right anatomy ha ha!) and we're having another girl! I was so sure it was a boy, had a name picked out and the nursery theme all thought up but hey, what are you gonna do? More tutus and pink for me I guess. :D I am just under 22 weeks pregnant and starting to resemble a whale again. But I'm loving every minute of feeling this perfect little girl growing and moving inside me. The girls are so excited. They keep asking if they can give the baby hugs and kisses and they ask what the baby is doing, if she's hungry, ect. It's so fun to have them be so aware of this pregnancy. We just got through Christmas and let me tell you, I'm not usually one to rush to get the Christmas stuff put away, but this year, the day after, I brought in the boxes and started getting stuff packed up. We have a lot of stuff to get through in the next few weeks, I need to pare down on our belongings. I mean, after 4 years of living in one place (basically anyway), we have accumulated a lot of JUNK. A new move is really my chance to declutter, simplify and organize. I'm pretty excited about it. My mom will also be coming up here in a couple weeks to help me get the house ready to move out of. I am so excited to see her and so grateful that she's coming since Tyler won't be able to help me a ton because of his recent ACL surgery. He is, however, recovering nicely and we aren't worried about loss of movement or anything. I have a bunch of pictures to share with you! 
The girls and I got to go see The Nutcracker at the beginning of the month. And afterwards, the girls got to meet all the ballerinas! It was pretty fun, even for me. :D
One of our heavy snowfalls. This is our backyard.
All bundled up for the ice park.
Tyler in his snazzy brace
This lady walking behind us asked us if she could use our camera to take a picture of us walking because she said we looked really cute. Her words. lol! Anyway, so these two were the result of that.
Getting ready to go down the slide...
Jill's turn!!
My cold little Jilly
There was this cool ice train (didn't move, of course) that kids could climb on. Jill thought it was just the coolest thing.
Kari thought it was pretty cool too.
Looking out the conductor's window.
A LOT of snow had fallen the past 48 hours and it hadn't been shoveled/packed down yet. Some places were pretty rough going.
Sitting on mr and mrs Claus' throne
Love my two cheesers
We went back a little later with a family.
Jill's favorite sculpture
Contemplating a large pile of snow (yes, I did climb up on it)
Christmas morning!!
After all the presents were opened.
The dollhouse won coolest toy this year I think.
The girls each made their own gingerbread houses (with help). Jill's is on the left, and Kari's is on the right.
We sure hope that your Christmas was wonderful! Merry Christmas from the Haueter family and we hope that 2013 brings you all joy and love. :-)